Monday, 7 February 2011

How I take my photos

I have been asked by few readers how I take my photos of my cards.

My other hobby in my spare time is photography therefore my photos are taken with a Nikon D80 and a macro lens. The rest of my set up is very cheap and inexpensive. The materials I use are a tray with sides from pound land, 4 pieces of mount board and a day light lamp. Please see the picture below:

DSC_0001 (2)

Once I have taken my photos, I then edit them. Here is what an image looks like before editing:

DSC_0001 - Copy

I then take my image and edit using windows live photo gallery. The tools I use are crop, straighten image, adjust exposure and adjust colour until I am happy.


It is now ready to be blogged about and all I now do is add a watermark via Windows Live Writer (program I write my blog posts in). Hope this has helped.

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